Principal Newsletter 10/9/2020

  • If you were unable to attend our materials pick-up this past week, please call the office at 863-9326 to arrange a time at your convenience to pick supplies up for your child.

  • There is no school on Monday, October 12 in observance of Columbus Day.

  • There is a flu clinic for families scheduled for October 21 from 4:30-6:30 pm.  Please contact Nurse Sue at 863-7441 between 8:30-3:15 to sign up.

  • ‘Office hours’ are times that classroom teachers offer support or answer questions for ANY student or parent/guardian.  Though some families may not access this opportunity frequently, it is possible that multiple students/families may access the teacher during this time.

  • Our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) book this past week was The World is Not a Rectangle.   Zaha Hadid grew up in Baghdad, Iraq, and dreamed of designing her own cities. After studying architecture in London, she opened her own studio and started designing buildings. But as a Muslim woman, Hadid faced many obstacles. Determined to succeed, she worked hard for many years, and achieved her goals—and now you can see the buildings Hadid designed all over the world.


Hello, Sheffield families! We miss your smiling faces! 

If you aren’t familiar with us, or if you are new to our school, we are the Friends of Sheffield - a group of parents and caregivers, school staff and community members who help support the amazing learning community at Sheffield Elementary School.  FOS plans events for our students, organizes fundraising, and coordinates staff appreciation activities.  During a normal school year FOS sponsors a variety of fun, family events including an annual pumpkin carving party, a booth at The Great Falls Festival, field day at Camp Kee-wanee, class t-shirts for all students, staff appreciation week, a trivia night fundraiser, and other small projects, celebrations, and improvements within the school.  Although we aren’t together physically right now, we hope to keep many of these traditions alive!

We need new volunteers in order to continue the programs and project funding that we have provided in the past. If you would like to be a part of the Friends of Sheffield committee, we would love your help!

FOS meets once a month, and we’ll continue by meeting virtually. Watch our Facebook page for information regarding our first meeting or for details about our group and events. 

Regardless of whether you come to meetings or not, all parents and caregivers of students at Sheffield Elementary School are considered to be Friends of Sheffield!  You can email us at ,  and please visit and like our Facebook page:

Lesley Cogswell and Carly Skorupa

With Sheffield Pride,

Melissa Pitrat, Principal