News From Across GMRSD

28 Sep 2018
Hats off to the educators of Sheffield Elementary. Due to a strong MCAS performance in ELA last spring and other positive growth indicators the school achieved 80% of all possible improvement points in the state's new accountability system and they advanced 7% in their ranking relative to other elementary schools. Another sign of strong positive momentum at Sheffield!

28 Sep 2018
The state has just released MCAS test results from last year, along with ratings of each school and district in the state, using a new accountability system. You can see the details of our schools’ results by going to: You can also try to go directly there through this link:
We will provide an in-depth analysis of these results in the weeks ahead. But in the meantime here are some general observations from the superintendent:
1. The...

28 Sep 2018
Dear Hillcrest Families,
What a wonderful first month of school we’ve had! We were so glad to celebrate the children’s learning at our September All School Meeting. The whole community enjoyed presentations from Ms. Chase’s preschool class, Mrs. Fox’s kindergarten class and Miss Matrishon’s and Ms. Casey’s first grade classes. All School Meeting is a monthly ritual at Hillcrest which is designed to build a warm and welcoming community, to focus on our student’s growth and development, and to include families in their children’s learning. All School Meeting is held on the fourth Friday of...

27 Sep 2018
We have Open House tonight starting at 5:30 pm. There will be a brief presentation in the auditorium followed by classroom visits. Don’t forget to stop by the cafeteria to visit community tables.
Fluoride will begin on Tuesday, October 2nd for all students who were signed up.
Wednesday, October 3rd is a half day of school with a noon dismissal. Wednesday’s spirit day is Sports Day. Students and staff are invited to wear clothing that represents their favorite team/sport (baseball, football, soccer, basketball, hockey, etc.). Wear player...

26 Sep 2018
The school committee is pleased to announce the addition of its newest member, William Tomb. Mr. Tomb was recently appointed to fill a one-year vacancy in one of the three Gill school committee seats. Mr. Tomb is no stranger to the committee, having previously served on it from 1984-1993. Welcome Mr. Tomb!

21 Sep 2018
Dear Hillcrest Families: Happy Fall to all of you! The first day of Fall is this Saturday -- what a great time to go apple picking, enjoy a hike or start thinking about your Halloween costume!
Here are few important pieces of news as we look ahead to next week:
It was great to see many families at the Friends of Hillcrest Potluck Dinner and Game Night on Monday. Our next evening event will be our Hillcrest Open House on Wednesday, October 10th. Open House is a very special opportunity to meet your children’s teachers, to visit their classrooms and connect with other Hillcrest...