Here are answers to some of the questions most commonly asked by parents of Sheffield Elementary School students. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us.
What is the protocol if my child must be absent from school?
If your child must miss a day of school, we ask that a parent/guardian call the school and let us know. When your child is ready to return to class, we require a note explaining the absence. If your child is gone for an extended medical absence of three days or more, we require a note from the doctor.
What rules should my child be aware of when riding the bus?
In order to keep our students safe when riding to school on the bus, we ask that they adhere to these rules:
- Have safe and responsible conduct at the bus stop.
- Remain seated in the same seat throughout the entire bus ride.
- Use only respectful words and a quiet “indoor” voice.
- Be respectful toward the driver and immediately follow all of the driver’s directions without making comments, asking questions, or arguing.
- Do not use electronic devices or cell phones on the bus ride.
Please review these safety rules with your children often. We want to make sure our students are safe riding to and from school each day.
Does the school provide breakfast for students?
Yes, we sure do! The school provides free breakfast to all students each school day at 8:30 a.m.
How and when do I pay for my child’s lunch?
We offer free lunch each day to all students.
What happens if my child gets sick at school?
The health of your child is very important to us. That is why we have a nurse on staff to assess your child’s illnesses (headache, stomach, fever, vomiting, diarrhea). They will evaluate your child’s condition, and if necessary, stay with your child until we can reach you or another family member.
How do I volunteer at Sheffield Elementary School?
We welcome and encourage your participation in our educational community. You can participate in a variety of organizations, including the Sheffield Parent-Teacher Organization. If you are looking for a more hands-on approach in the classroom, then apply to be a volunteer in your little one’s classroom, assisting teachers with projects and activities or accompanying classes on field trips. Just make sure and fill out a CORI request, found in the front office, before volunteering in any capacity.
How often are report cards distributed?
To keep you updated on your child’s progress, we will distribute report cards three times throughout the year.
What’s the best way to communicate with my child’s teacher?
Parent-teacher conferences, scheduled twice a year, are a great time for you to check in on your child’s progress. These opportunities to meet face-to-face are invaluable, and we strongly encourage parents to attend during both sessions. We hold conferences on half days during two afternoons and an occasional evening session. Please make all possible efforts to attend the conference. If you must cancel or find a need to reschedule, please contact the teacher as soon as possible. If there is a problem that needs to be resolved right away, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher directly.
Is there a dress code at Sheffield Elementary School?
Please refer to the student handbook, found in the quick links section of the Home page for the complete dress code. Here are a few important things to remember when dressing your child for school:
- Students should wear sturdy shoes safe for outdoor play. Footwear must fit securely to the foot for safety on playground and stairs. High-heels, flip-flops, and other backless sandals are not permitted. Slick-soled dress-up shoes are not safe on the playground. Sneakers are ideal and required on days when students have physical education.
- Students should avoid wearing fragrances. Many people are sensitive to body sprays, scented lotions, etc.
- Students are asked to respect the sensibilities of others in the community in their choice of t-shirts with written or symbolic messages. Any clothing with offensive pictures and/or statements or that promote drugs, alcohol, and tobacco will not be permitted.
- Extremely short, loose, or tight clothing such that the undergarments or body may be exposed; see through or transparent clothing should not be worn.
- Hats, hoods, and other forms of headgear are not to be worn in the school building at any time (excluding religious reasons). A headband worn on the top of the head to keep hair back is permissible.