Principal Newsletter 11/6/2020

● Attendance is taken and tracked daily and reported to the Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education. Please call the office at 863-9326 to report your child; absent, dismissed,
or tardy just as you would if we were in the building. Thank you.
● We so appreciate your support and collaboration with remote learning which has been a
learning experience for all! If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of remote
learning, please contact your child’s teacher immediately. They provide daily office hours or can
be reached via email and look forward to working with you to ensure the best possible
education experience for your child/ren.
● On Wednesday, November 18, all teachers will be reading a book on grief/loss and will share
strategies to support students through the emotions that come with this. Grief/loss doesn’t just
pertain to death, but also to your child/ren’s loss of school, and loss of seeing friends/relatives.
● November 11 is Veteran’s Day and there is no school.
● Thursday, November 12 is a half day for parent/ teacher conferences in the afternoon as well as
evening. Friday, November 13 is a half day for afternoon conferences.

With Sheffield Pride,
Melissa Pitrat