

Happy Friday from Gill Elementary!


We have had a very eventful week this week! Thank you to everyone who came out last night for our open house. It was wonderful to see all our kids’ work and even to see some former students come back.


Our scarecrows are back! Students in every class today took time to build a small army of scarecrows who will stand in formation on our traffic circle starting today. Don’t be afraid as you drive up, they won’t hurt!


We also had the Gill Fire Department here this week to teach our kids about fire safety and fire prevention! Our 5th and 6th grade got to visit the station, and our younger students got to see the gear and trucks that our first responders get to use. Thank you to Gill Fire Department!


Speaking of fires, we, along with the Gill Fire Department will be hosting our annual bonfire this evening! It will run from 5:30-7:30. There will also be a contra dance that runs from 6:00-8:00 in the all purpose room. Food will be available for purchase. All kids must have an adult responsible for their supervision. Please do not drop your child(ren) off and come back to pick them up at the end of the event.


Finally, our fundraiser for cancer research is currently at $619.00! We are past our $500 goal, and everything coming in now is working towards extra recess and towards shaving my head! You can join the team and donate by going to https://fundraise.beboldbebald.org/GillElementarySchool


Have a wonderful weekend!


-Conor Driscoll-


Principal, Gill Elementary School