Friday News - May 31, 2024

Hillcrest Elementary School

Friday News

May 31, 2024


Hillcrest Updates

  • We had a wonderful All School Meeting this morning! Thank you to Ms. Baron’s preschoolers, Ms. Drake’s kindergarten students, and Ms. Thompson’s first graders and our first grade chorus for their impressive presentations. 

  • Our first graders took a trip over to Sheffield today to meet some new friends, eat lunch in the cafeteria, play on the playground and meet the second grade teachers.  This is one of few different transition events that take place every year.  Be sure to ask your first grader all about their visit!

  • On Tuesday, each Hillcrest student will head home with their Summer Learning tote bags filled with fiction and nonfiction books and some math games.  Please be sure to explore these materials with your child and extend their learning all summer long. Don’t forget that our local libraries have amazing summer learning opportunities, too! 

  • As the school year comes to a close, it’s time to say goodbye to some of our staff members and hello to some new ones!  Today, we said good-bye to two Hillcrest Instructional Assistants, Ms. Liz Chagnon and Ms. Christine Banister.  At the end of the school year, we will also say good-bye to Mary Prokowich, Hillcrest Administrative Assistant, Jazmim Miller, Hillcrest School Nurse, and Sarah Chase, Preschool Teacher.  Each of these staff members has made amazing contributions to the learning and growth of our students.  They will be deeply missed and we wish them well as they head on to new adventures! 

  • And the hellos . . .  As you know, Ms. Cindy Sheehy will be the new Hillcrest principal as of July 1st.  Ms. Sheehy is currently the principal at Williamstown Elementary and she is looking forward to meeting all of you soon!  We will also welcome Ms. Tina Wenger as our new school nurse.  Ms. Wenger has experience working as a nurse at Pioneer Women’s Health and Baystate Franklin Medical Center and she will be joining our HIllcrest community in late August.  

  • We will soon be conducting interviews for Mrs. Prokowich’s and Ms. Chase’s positions.  Updates to follow!


Friends of Hillcrest

  • The next Friends of Hillcrest meeting is Thursday, June 6th at 5:30. All Hillcrests community members are welcome to attend. 


Community News


Important Dates

  • Wednesday, June 5th - Field Day

  • June 11th, 12th, 13th - Early Release Days

  • June 13th - Last Day of School