Responding to Today's Events


Hillcrest Elementary School

Midweek News

January 6, 2021


Dear Hillcrest Families, 

Today's events in Washington, DC were shocking and heart-breaking.  Given the pervasive nature of news coverage, it may be that your children have already learned a bit about what occurred in our nation’s capital. As parents of young children, you may be wondering how to respond to your children’s questions.  Providing your children with reassurance that you are prepared to keep them safe, acknowledging their feelings, and responding to their questions with honesty can be very effective ways to support them. 

You may find the following article from Common Sense Media to be helpful: Explaining the News to Our Kids. You may also want to explore these resources offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics: Talking to Children About Tragedies and Other News Events.

Please feel free to reach out to me or your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns.  We may be physically apart, but we are here to support all of our students and their families in any way that we can.

Sincerely yours,

Sarah Burstein

Sarah Burstein, Principal