Friday News: 9/21/18

Dear Hillcrest Families: Happy Fall to all of you! The first day of Fall is this Saturday -- what a great time to go apple picking, enjoy a hike or start thinking about your Halloween costume!

Here are few important pieces of news as we look ahead to next week:

  • It was great to see many families at the Friends of Hillcrest Potluck Dinner and Game Night on Monday. Our next evening event will be our Hillcrest Open House on Wednesday, October 10th. Open House is a very special opportunity to meet your children’s teachers, to visit their classrooms and connect with other Hillcrest families. Please mark your calendars for this event.
  • Please join us next Friday, September 28th at 9:00 for our first All School Meeting of the year. This monthly event is open to the entire Hillcrest community and we are always so happy to see parents, grandparents, siblings and other family members. We’ll enjoy presentations from Ms. Sarah’s preschool class, Mrs. Fox’s kindergarten class and Miss Matrishon’s and Ms Casey’s first grade classes.
  • If you’re interested in becoming more actively involved in our school, please consider becoming a member of our School Council. School Council members help to provide guidance on our School Improvement Plan. This year, School Council will meet on the second Thursday of each month at 3:30. Our first meeting is October 11th.
  • A friendly reminder to all families about our school dress code, especially as it pertains to footwear. As noted in our Family Handbook:"Students should wear sturdy shoes safe for outdoor play. Footwear must fit securely to the foot for safety on playground and stairs. High heels, flip-flops and other backless sandals are not permitted. Slick-soled dress-up shoes are not safe on the playground. Sneakers are ideal for all school days and are required on days when students have physical education."

Wishing you a wonderful weekend --
 Burstein, Principal