Gill Principal Newsletter


September 25, 2020 Newsletter

Dates to Remember: 

  • 10/7/20- FIRST All-School Meeting- Time and Logistics TBD

  • 10/12/20- Columbus  Day- NO SCHOOL

  • 10/24/20- Gill Flu Clinic- 10:00-12:00 (see attached flier)


Dear Gill Community,

Happy Fall!  We’ve now completed the second week of school and  students and staff are settling down into consistent school routines. Kindergarten students began this week and are experiencing a very different way of how to be students than our other students have.  I’ve been visiting classrooms, morning meetings, and will continue to visit during the week. I have to say I’ve SO enjoyed seeing the students and have to stifle a laugh or two as the remote platform appears to present some interesting scenarios!  Thanks to those of you who have reached out to offer  feedback on how things have been going at home, as it’s incredibly informative for not only the teachers, but for me as well to see what needs to be addressed. I don’t want to downplay how incredibly challenging this is for our students, families, caregivers, and staff, however I’m struck by everyone’s resilience and willingness to work collaboratively with the same shared goal, of keeping our students learning and connected with their school. 

There has been an HVAC assessment of the Gill Elementary School, and we are moving ahead to make the repairs and adjustments needed to ensure a good quality of air exchange. The Superintendent is hopeful to have students return in a Hybrid model, possibly by the end of October. Please be on the lookout for a survey coming out soon asking families and caregivers to weigh in on their thoughts for a hybrid model. We are looking at several different hybrid model options and feedback and  input from stakeholders is critical. 

For the most part, it appears that families have experienced success in accessing the technology.  I encourage you to visit this District technology resource page if you need help in learning how to use  some of the technology Tools am willing to work with anyone that needs help as well, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! 

We are planning to have a school supplies pick up beginning next Wednesday afternoon. Teachers will be in to organize materials for their respective students, with each student receiving a bin of school materials. We were hoping to do this much earlier in the school year, however there have been significant delays in shipments. I would like to schedule a consistent drop off and pick up of materials, as staff strongly feel that students benefit from having the hands-on materials so that everything is not online and virtual. Once I have this finalized with staff, I will be sharing it out with the larger school community. 

A gentle reminder that teachers are busy with students during the day and may not be able to respond to emails promptly. Please be reassured they will get back to you once they have completed their teaching responsibilities for the day, if not sooner. 

I wanted to give a big shout out to the Gill PTO and all of the volunteers who helped with the annual fall Mum Fundraiser! Being able to orchestrate this during this time was not as difficult as we’d hoped, and we were appreciative of all the community members who came up to purchase the Mums! Your support directly benefits the schools and programs. 

I have been reflecting on how to maintain school community when students and staff are at home, and am open to suggestions. I’m planning our first all-school meeting to take place on Wednesday, October 7th, time TBD. I am asking staff and families to please send in any pictures of remote learning stations if possible. Please send them directly to me and I will be making a slideshow for this meeting.

I want families to be aware that we are currently short of several paraprofessionals. If you are know  of anyone that might be interested and looking for a position, please either send them my way or share this School Spring posting. This has impacted our capacity to support students with special needs effectively and is very high on my radar! 

As referenced earlier, teaching and learning virtually presents its own unique challenges! I’ve worked with the other elementary principals to develop the list of virtual norms included below, which teachers have had an opportunity to provide feedback into this document as well. If you could please take the time to review and reinforce with your students it would be very much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns, please be aware that I am in the office at the school daily and can be reached at (413)863-7456 or at I am here to help!

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Lisa Desjarlais, Principal


In a virtual learning environment, we want to encourage students and families to replicate the type of learning environment that is expected in a typical classroom to the best of their abilities.

Students Can Help By: 

  • Following the rules/norms established by your teacher. 

  • Asking for help when you need it using the agreed upon  classroom’s signals (ex: hand raised, thumb up, question in chat box).

  • Sitting up and facing the camera. 

  • Keeping the camera on as much as possible. Staying muted unless otherwise instructed. 

  • If the camera needs to be turned off, students are expected to continue to respond to teacher prompts.

  • Keeping the device in one place.

  • Following the teacher's instructions for using the chat, and staying connected to the topic at hand.

  • Keeping their faces polite and appropriate.

  • Keeping the pinned picture the same

  • Following the school dress code. 

  • Waiting to eat until break times.

  • Keeping gum in your mouth.

  • Waiting until after class to play with toys. 

Families/Caregivers Can Help by:

  • Setting up a consistent learning space for your student. Try to have their tools available in that space for them ready to use.

  • Helping with materials, but not assisting in telling your student the answers.

  • Remembering that your student is learning and that incorrect answers are part of the learning process.

  • Making sure the background is appropriate. Being mindful of people and pets that can be seen and heard in the background (the microphones on our devices are very sensitive and pick up a lot).

  • If your student is having technical difficulties, please help them leave the space and re-enter.