School Committee

Our school committee is a model of continuous learning. Comprised of community members who volunteer their time serving the students, parents, and community members of our district, our school committee members serve as advocates for our students and public education. 

The Committee conducts its business in regular public meetings under the rules of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. Generally, these meetings occur on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays during the school year, and once or twice over the summer. School Committee meetings start at 6:30 p.m. in room 228-M at Turners Falls High School, unless otherwise noted. The agendas and minutes for recent meetings can be viewed on this website.   


A live stream of the meeting can still be viewed via Montague Community Television (MCTV) on your local television channel. And a recording is made available on MCTV's website and this webpage below.

Public Participation in REMOTE School Committee Meeting:

Please send an email to Tara McCarthy, the Secretary for the School Committee, indicating which of the following types of communication you wish to send to School Committee:

  • Public Comment at School Committee meeting on <please state the date> - I would like to be sent a link to make a brief public comment during the School Committee meeting.
  • Sharing Comments with School Committee ONLY– I am sending my comments to School Committee only and do not want my comments to be shared publicly. This may be sent to Tara McCarthy by email or mailed to or dropped off at the district offices at Tara McCarthy , 35 Crocker Avenue, Turners Falls , MA 01376.

Agendas, Packets, Reports, Minutes & Videos  
The minutes and agendas of School Committee meetings will be posted as quickly as possible. Meeting agendas are available at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. The minutes of a meeting are usually approved at the following meeting, and are posted within a few days. The superintendent often writes reports to the committee prior to their meetings. Reports from recent meetings are posted here; contact us if you are looking for a document that is not listed here. 

March 25, 2025 Agenda & Packet Supt. Report Minutes Video
March 11, 2025 Agenda & Packet Supt. Report Minutes Video
February 25, 2025 Agenda & Packet Supt. Report Minutes Video
February 11, 2025 Agenda & Packet Supt. Report Minutes Video


Archived Minutes & Agenda Packets
To view minutes and agenda packets from past meetings, please view our School Committee Archive page.

Community Input 
The Committee strives to make informed decisions that are in the interests of student learning. The members welcome input from the public. Brief public comments can be made during a designated time at the beginning of each school committee meeting. In addition, informal forums are held during the year to provide time for a more casual dialog with members. Members can also be reached via e-mail or telephone. 

Roles and Responsibilities
As representatives whose primary responsibility it is to support the needs and interests of the children of the Gill-Montague School District, we set short and long-term goals focused on policy and student achievement. Utilizing data and continuous self-evaluation, we monitor our progress of these goals and revisit areas of concern to adjust our strategy to ensure improvement.

Powers and Duties  
Massachusetts General Laws Part I. Title X. Chapter 71: Section 37: The school committee in each city and town and each regional school district shall have the power to select and to terminate the superintendent, shall review and approve budgets for public education in the district, and shall establish educational goals and policies for the schools in the district consistent with the requirements of law and statewide goals and standards established by the board of education.


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