News From Across GMRSD

Interim Principal Newsletter for June 10, 2022 3 days to go! All ½ days! School Calendar: June 10, 13, 14, and 15: Friday, then Monday to Wednesday, all ½ days of school with a noon dismissal. June 13, Monday, Step Up Day for the 5th grade students at 9:00am. June 14, Tuesday, Field Day from 9:15-11:15am. June 15: Wednesday, move up day at 9:00am and the last day of this school year. Students will visit all three of their possible classrooms for next year. Field Day: Field Day is back! Field Day will be held on Tuesday, June 14th from 9:...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News June 10, 2022   Dear Hillcrest Families,   Wow! The last day of school is just days away!  This week, we’ve enjoyed lots of fun activities like our Spirit Days, Summer Reading Kick-Off and Field Day.  Many thanks to all the staff members and community volunteers who helped these events come to fruition.     A few important news items:   We had such a blast at Hillcrest Field Day today!  Our students enjoyed a range of super fun games including Giant...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News June 3, 2022   Dear Hillcrest Families, This week, our students had the opportunity to celebrate our TFHS graduates at the traditional Senior Walk-Through.  The TFHS Seniors, dressed in their caps and gowns, participated in a procession from Hillcrest to Sheffield and all of our students cheered them on.  It was such an exciting moment for our students and staff and for the TFHS seniors. Congratulations to the Class of 2022! A few important news items: A special thank you goes out to the...
Interim Principal Newsletter for June 3, 2022 WOW! Only 8 more days of school! School Calendar: Today! June 3, grade 3 field trip to Old Sturbridge Village June 3 and June 7, grade 2 visitor from Old Deerfield June 7, Tuesday, with a rain date of June 8, Wednesday, outdoor luncheon picnic at SES for students June 9, grade 5 field trip to French King bowling June 9 Reading Kickoff June 10, 13, 14, and 15: Friday, then Monday to Wednesday, all ½ days of school. June 13, Monday, Step Up Day for the 5th grade students. June 14...
Interim Principal Newsletter for May 27, 2022 School Calendar: May 30th: Monday, Memorial Day and there will be no school in order to observe the holiday. June 2, Thursday, 5th grade students visit the Middle School. June 2, Thursday, High School Senior Walk Through w/SES and Hillcrest. June 3, grade 3 field trip to Old Sturbridge Village June 3 and June 7, grade 2 visitor from Old Deerfield June 7, Tuesday, with a rain date of June 8, Wednesday, outdoor luncheon picnic at SES for students June 9, grade 5 field trip to French King...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News May 27, 2022   Dear Hillcrest Families,   The news this week from Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas has been sobering for all of us.  School safety is a top priority for all educators and families and we strive to maintain a safe and nurturing environment.  Due to the age of our students, many of them remain completely unaware of the tragedy in Texas. However, some older children may have learned about this event and they may have some questions for you. On Wednesday, I shared a resource from...
