What If There's a Two Hour Delay on a Half Day of School?

Dear District Staff and Families,

With winter soon upon us I wanted to inform you of a change in policy related to late-start-snow-days. One or two winters ago we cancelled school on an early release (half) day when weather conditions could have allowed us to have a two-hour delay. The problem was that having a two-hour delay on a half day would have made very little sense as students would have been at school for a very short time before turning around and going home.

So, from now on, in the unlikely event that weather conditions call for a two-hour delay on one of our early release (half) days, we will hold classes through the afternoon and dismiss school at the typical time (2:25 pm at the secondary level and 3:15 pm at the elementary level.)

Things to consider in this scenario:

  • On an early release day that gets changed to a late-start and full-afternoon day, our food service department will provide a full service lunch in as close to typical a fashion as possible. They will need to shift from having originally planned to serve bagged lunches.

  • And just a reminder; on late start days, schools do not serve breakfast as there is too little time between when breakfast would end and the first lunch would start (45 minutes in some places).

  • Schools will follow a typical delayed start day schedule on these days. Afternoon professional development that would have occurred will be cancelled. We will try to make rescheduling arrangements where possible but we will not add a new half day to the school calendar later in the same school year.

  • Our school buses will be able to pick up students at school following their regular afternoon schedules.

While the need for a two-hour delay on an early release day is an uncommon scenario we want to make sure everyone knows the plans in advance so they can plan accordingly. The district administrative team and school committee believe these plans are preferable to adding another snow day to the end of school year. Please contact your school office or my office if you have any questions.

Sincerely Yours,

Michael Sullivan, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools
