Family Engagement

Hello GMRSD Families, 

This is the page on our website for YOU: I post resources, school information, and suggestions. Here's more information about my role as our district Family Engagement Coordinator: Family Engagement.

I can be contacted at: 

Stacey Langknecht, Family Engagement Coordinator  or 413 863-7473

My office is located in the Central Office building at 35 Crocker Avenue. 

FYI, I work part-time, and am generally in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but I have some flexbility for meetings outside of those days, so don't hesitate to reach out anytime! I do try to check my messages and email on the other days.I also work through the summer!

This is Teacher Appreciation Week!!!! Our parent involvement groups have worked hard to show appreciation for their school's teachers, who work hard to teach your children! 

Elementary Science Night at Gill Elementary School is coming up on Thursday 5/16 from 6-7:30, with a rain date of Thursday 5/23. Because they have very limited parking, we are offering bus rides to and from the school for families; here are the details and sign-up form: Science Night at Gill Bus Registration

A big heart THANK YOU heart to all of our participating families and volunteers who helped with the  Hillcrest/Sheffield Walk/Bike/Roll to School Event!  It went really well and we are looking forward to the next one in October! Here are some photos: 

WBR Event2024                         WBR Event2 2024                  WBR Event 3 2024

Here's the full schedule plus of Friends of Hillcrest meetings: Friends of Hillcrest Meetings. Their next meeting is Thursday 5/9 from 5:30-6:45 at the school. They are once again having a Spring Festival, Sunday 5/19 from 11-2!

Here's Principal Burstein's Friday Newsletter: Hillcrest Friday News

Sheffield Families, here's Principal Heathwaite's Sheffield Newsletter: Sheffield Spotlight Newsletter.

 Friends of Sheffield's next meeting is 5/13 from 5:30-6:45 at the school, feel free to join! 

I am still happy to talk with parents and volunteers about forming a parent/community run walking school bus; just call or email me at 863-7473 or

The next Gill PTO meeting will be on Tuesday 6/4 from 5:15-6:15 online - Principal Huston will send a link. ***Also as happens on occasion, several of their active PTO members' kids are graduating this year, so they really need new members! Please consider getting involved; they do a lot for the school and you can help keep it going! 

If your middle or high schooler is participating in band/chorus, sports, or theater, we have Booster groups for those programs! These parent groups support the respective programs in many ways, and of course present another opportuniFroty to get to know other parents/guardians in the school. See the sidebar for contact information for each!

Parent/Caregivers of High School's the schedule for Senior Events through the end of school: Senior Events Spring2024 and the Seniors' Walk-Through schedule through the elementary schools: Walk-Through Schedule for Elementary. Such an exciting time for all of you!!

Other upcoming events: 5/8 is the TFHS Spring Concert, 5/23 is the GFMS Spring Concert, and 6/7 is Graduation Night! Phew!! Ms. Comeau will send more info as the dates get closer. The Music Boosters' next meeting is Tuesday 5/21 from 6:30-7:30 at the Rendevous on 3rd Street in TF. 

Hopefully you received Superintendent Beck's email with the latest Covid-19 protocols for our school district; if you didn't, here it is again: GMRSD Covid-19 Protocol.

And, starting this spring, the Community Health Center's dentist will be coming to the school to do dental check-ups on students who are signed up - here's the registration form: CHC Dental Care Registration.

SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council): this is a district-wide group of parents/guardians whose children receive special education services in our district. It's a great way to support each other and also is empowered with advising our district on changes that you feel would be helpful in our program. For more information, please contact Dianne Ellis at either or 863-7508. 

EL-PAC (English Learners Parent Advisory Council):

Para obtener más información sobre este grupo, comuníquese con Dianne Ellis a o al 863-7508.

For more information about this group, contact Dianne Ellis at either or 863-7508. 

Tina Mahaney, our amazing Director of Technology, sent this along for parents and caregivers about keeping kids safe online: Family Link.

FYI, here's the link that has the Covid protocols that we follow: COVID Protocols.

Community Events:

The Brick House is hosting MassHire on Thursday 5/9 from 11-12 for those looking for a job and who want to learn about their services! Here are the details: MassHire at the Brick House.

Here are some flyers about regular programs at the Brick House under their Parent&Family program: Drop-In Hours for Assistance  Hygiene Supplies Available  Spanish-English Gatherings  Coffee Hour  Women's Money Matters.

Check out this 2-part event from The Support Network for parents/caregivers and their teens: Family Stress Survival Guide.

Here's an upcoming workshop on credit success: Credit Success.

Are you dealing with housing discrimination? Here's a great source of information about that: Fair Housing Workshop.

There is a Greenfield Suicide Loss Support Group (for ages 18+) meets first Tuesdays of the month from 5:30-7 pm at 91 Main St. in the Mohawk Mall, in the Mental Health Association's suite, 1st floor (across from Zuttermeister Chiropractic). The group is peer-led, free and open to adults who have lost someone to suicide. Parking is free in the large, adjacent lot. 

An upcoming culinary training program: Culinary Training.

The Brick House Youth Programs have tons of activities so bug your teen! Here are the flyers: Project Amp MentoringTeen Center March Calendar.

Here's the Community Action Family Resource Center's latest calendar: FRC May Calendar.

The Salasin Center offers a weekly Nurturing Program for Families in Recovery Program; here are the details: Nurturing Program for Families in Recovery

Here's the latest Connections Newsletter: Connections Newsletter.

The ARC in Turners Falls has a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Group: Grandparents Raising Grandkids Group

Here's the newletter from, with lots of community information: HilltownFamilies.

This website can be helpful for families who want to apply for Section 8 (subsidized) housing or are on the waiting list already: Section 8 Housing Info. Also if you have a Section 8 voucher and are looking for housing, this program may help: SUN Program for Section 8.

I came across this website, which offers resources and tips for keeping children away from guns in the home: GunSafetyInfo.

If your family receives SNAP benefits, you should check out this info about the Health Incentive Program (HIP): HIP

Important reminders about SNAP and P-EBT: 

 Based on federal rules, students attending school in-person are not eligible for Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT), but the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) encourages students and families to keep their P-EBT cards. More information can be found at
  If students received P-EBT, they may be eligible for SNAP. Please encourage families who received P-EBT to sign up for SNAP. It is fast and easy to apply, and the monthly SNAP amount is now higher than ever ($658 for a family of three and $835 for a family of four!). The following resources can help spread the word: 


    Parenting Tip of the Month: Family Meetings

These days, family life is often incredibly busy between school, work, after-school activities, appointments....on and on. So when things get tough, or, even better, on a regular basis, try having a family meeting. What that means is that the family sits at the table together with no distractions to discuss things like schedules, household chores, and challenges. Some families do this regularly, like once a week, and others call a meeting when a challenge happens. Either way, it can be a great way to solve problems together. 

For more information, check out this webpage: 

How to Have A Family Meeting

Person Centred Review Meeting Colouring ...


Community Resource of the Month:

Center for Human Development & Community Health Center of Franklin County

These 2 organizations are at the same address in Greenfield: 102 Main Street, and they often collaborate with each other. CHD provides mental health services and CHCFC provides free or low cost medical and dental care.  

Here's the contact information: 

CHD Greenfield 1-844-243-4357

 CHCFC  Medical: (413) 325-8500

             Dental: (413) 774-2615


The GMRSD Internet Safety Task Force invited the Northwestern District Attorney's office to do a zoom presentation for our parents & guardians on, well, internet safety. The presentation was done by them and the Children's Advocacy Center in March, and for those of you who missed it, here's the link to the Power Point:

Please take a look at it; it has lots of great information and websites that may help you learn how to protect your kids from online dangers!

More Community Resources for Students and Families             

Local Resources Updated Sept2022                                                       

Local Food Resources                                                                           

Community Action of the Pioneer Valley                                               

Pandemic-EBT- Help for Families During Covid                                     


Montague Catholic Social Ministries 

The Brick House

The United Arc

Center for New Americans

Massachusetts Migrant Education Program:

Helpful Websites for Parenting 

