News From Across GMRSD

April 17, 2020 Dear Gill-Montague Families, Here are some end of the week updates from the school district. 1. Next Monday a state holiday, Patriots Day, and on Tuesday we will follow our recently adopted Monday remote learning schedule.  This means that most teachers will be having meetings with colleagues and planning lessons.  On Wednesday we will resume with the regular Wednesday remote learning schedule. 2. Also, due to the holiday, next week our student remote meal delivery program will distribute on Tuesday and Friday only.  Meals to last in between these...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News April 17, 2020   Dear Hillcrest Families, Normally, I would be wishing you all a happy School Vacation Week in this edition of our Friday News! However, I am simply going to wish you a happy long weekend as our remote learning will continue next week after the Monday holiday.  I do sincerely hope that you all have some time to embrace the spirit of a long weekend. I recognize that this extended school closure is challenging for everyone and the days seem to get all jumbled up! Please know that we are grateful for...
April 16, 2020 Dear Gill-Montague Families,  Due to the current school closure, we have adapted our registration process and we will now offer three options for Kindergarten Registration. We hope that these options will provide families with convenient ways to get their children signed up for kindergarten.  If you have any questions about the Kindergarten Registration process, please contact Sarah Burstein, Hillcrest Principal and GMRSD Early Childhood Coordinator, at 413-863-9526.  Drive-Up Registration --  Families of soon-to-be kindergarten...
Principal Newsletter for April 16, 2020 ● Thank you families!  You are all doing an amazing job assisting your child/ren with their at home learning!  We know this cannot be easy, and hour by hour you and your child must be experiencing a myriad of feelings… and that’s okay.  It’s normal!  Don’t forget to engage in self care for yourself, as you care for your child/ren. ● Report cards are in the mail!  You should receive them in a few days.  Teachers conducted remote parent/teacher conferences back in March. Please reach out if you...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News April 10, 2020   Dear Hillcrest Families, Although we have all been apart this week, I know that many of you have been connecting with school through phone calls, emails and Google Classroom.  While these tools will never replace the rich and meaningful experiences of the school setting, I am grateful that we are able to connect students, staff and families during this very challenging time.  This week, our Hillcrest staff members have been opening up the “doors” to their Google Classrooms and I have been...
Dear District Families, Here are a few updates.  The school committee listened to the vast majority of you who expressed an interest in continuing remote learning days during what would have been April vacation.  So, Monday, April 20 will be a break from school, as it is a holiday, but remote learning will return on April 21-24.  This means that the last day of school this year will now be June 12, whether in person or still remote learning. We wanted you all to know that Gill Elementary Principal Conor Driscoll will be leaving us at the end of the school year to...
