News From Across GMRSD

21 Sep 2018
Happy Friday and happy fall from Gill Elementary.
It’s hard to believe that we’re already heading to the end of September. Students are rolling in their classrooms, as routines and procedures have been established and practice.
I’d like to thank parents and guardians who are picking up at the end of the day for their patience as students load into cars to head home. There have been very few incidences of people passing without permission, and as a result, no close-calls this year during the most dangerous part of our day. As a slight change to...

20 Sep 2018
School pictures were taken this past week. If your child was absent or when you see the pictures ordered and would like them redone, we will have a retake day. Day to be determined.
Nurse Joni is still in need of some parent volunteers to assist her with fluoride. No experience necessary. Please contact her at 863-7441.
We collect Box Tops. There is a collection box in the lobby. Please spread the word to family and friends to cut/rip the labels from boxes, cans and bags for Sheffield. We earned over $900.00 last year for playground...

19 Sep 2018
Dear GFMS Families: As you know, Great Falls Middle School is in the process of becoming a 1:1 Chromebook school. Under this new model, all students will have access to a Chromebook for use in all of their classes. After the return of the Policy and Loan Agreement with a parent/guardian signature, Grade 7 and 8 students will begin classroom use of Chromebooks and eventually be able to bring their Chromebooks home. Grade 6 students also need to complete the Policy and Loan Agreement, but they will not be bringing Chromebooks home; they will use them in school and will not be assigned...

17 Sep 2018
The school district is seeking additional design proposals for a high school logo to match the recently selected nickname of Thunder. Design ideas should be submitted by October 5 and can be dropped off at the high school office, or submitted electronically to or Submissions are encouraged from students, local citizens, or anyone interested. se will be reviewed along with those previously received.

16 Sep 2018
Hey TFHS Families! We look forward to welcoming families to our school for Open House next Thursday evening. While the evening is intended primarily for parents/guardians/caregivers, we understand that younger siblings may need to accompany their parents - this is a family-friendly event. The schedule is as follows:
5:00 Arrival to the lobby
5:05-5:15 Introductions, Announcements and Presentation about Chromebooks in the Theater
5:15-6:15 Visit your Student's Classes
6:15-6:30 Refreshments and information about our Food Services in the Cafeteria...

16 Sep 2018
Hey GFMS Families! We look forward to welcoming families to our school for Open House next Thursday evening. While the evening is intended primarily for parents/guardians/caregivers, we understand that younger siblings may need to accompany their parents - this is a family-friendly event. The schedule is as follows:
6:00 Arrival to the lobby
6:10-6:45 Introductions, Announcements and Presentation about Chromebooks in the Theater
6:50-7:50 Meet Grade-level Team Teachers and Related Arts Teachers
7:50-8:00 Refreshments and information about our...