News From Across GMRSD

14 Sep 2018
Happy Friday from Gill Elementary!
It was wonderful to see all the kiddos dressed up for pictures today!
We had a great half day on Wednesday, where staff at Gill Elementary focused on further developing opportunities for Project-Based Learning. As we continue our work on this exciting initiative, we are look forward to the impact it will have on our students’ experiences.
A few things to remember as we continue into the fall:
We try to go outside daily for recess, unless the weather is dangerous. Please note that “inclement” is not necessarily...

13 Sep 2018
Nurse Joni is looking for some parent volunteers to assist with distributing fluoride for approximately one hour, one morning a week. No experience necessary, she’d be happy to teach/train anyone interested in helping. Please contact her at 863-7441 if interested.
Tuesday, September 18th, is school picture day. All students will have a picture taken even if they do not purchase them. Student pictures are used to create their lunch identification cards.
The Friends of Sheffield (FOS) our version of a PTO will be trying something new this year....

07 Sep 2018
Happy Friday from Gill Elementary School!
Thank you all for a wonderful first week! I have spoken with a number of people who have been impressed by the intangible “feel” of the school this year. Kids seem happy, and comfortable (if a little warm) and there is a strong sense of community. We all feel fortunate to be part of that community.
This afternoon, we held our first All School Meeting. A reminder that the first Friday of every month is an all-school meeting, and that the third Friday of every month is a school sing. We introduced our monthly theme which...

07 Sep 2018
Dear Hillcrest Families,
We’re all together now! It’s been wonderful to have all of our students here at Hillcrest this week. From our youngest preschoolers to our oldest first graders, each student brings his or her own special something to our community. Each student has been learning new routines this week, meeting new classmates and building connections with their new teachers.
Next week, we’ll hold our first Hillcrest Spirit Day on Friday, September 14th. On that day, our theme will be Sports and all Hillcrest students and staff members are invited to wear their...

06 Sep 2018
Dear Sheffield Families,
I send a newsletter home with students once a week, on Thursdays, along with other notices from the school. We'll post the newsletters on the school's website, too, so you can always find them there, too. Here's this week's news:
Dismissal at the end of the day was changed mid-year last year and I neglected to include the change in my August newsletter. At the 3:15 dismissal all fourth and fifth grade students exit out the front doors of the school. All second and third grade students exit the side door toward the parking lot and Montague Street. This change...

05 Sep 2018
Show your Sheffield Pride! Sheffield School's first Spirit Day of the year will be Wednesday morning 9/12 (it's a 1/2 day). We will do a combined "CLASH DAY &/OR TIE DAY" …it gives folks a couple of ways to participate! "Clash" means in a fashion sense: really bright colors, mismatched socks, stripes with spots, plaids with stripes, etc. Ties can be made of paper/cardboard, neck ties, bow ties, hair ties, etc. A great day for tie-dyed shirts! All clothing must be appropriate per handbook guidelines. No hair dyes or face paints at...