News From Across GMRSD

10 Aug 2018
In addition to welcoming new students and families, I am excited to introduce some new staff members as well. In our Health Office, we will have a new School Nurse, Ms. Francis Liri. In Technology, we will be joined by Ms. Stacy Batallus. We will also be joined by Mr. Ruben Baker-Dekater as a new special education paraprofessional. And, with the addition of a fourth first grade classroom, Ms. Lauren Casey will make the shift from kindergarten teacher to first grade teacher. All of these staff members bring experience and enthusiasm to the Hillcrest community! ~ Sarah Burstein

12 Jul 2018
Here's the letter we sent to school families earlier in the summer. It includes a list of supplies students for school and information about some of the new staff members you'll meet this year.
July Letter from GFMS (English)
Carta de Julio de GFMS (Espanol)

04 Jan 2002
Hillcrest Elementary School
Friday News
January 4, 2019
Dear Hillcrest Families,
Happy New Year to all of you! While we all enjoyed school vacation week, we were very happy to welcome our students back to school this week! Getting back into our school day routines has been wonderful . . . your children have transitioned smoothly into their days of learning, playing and growing at Hillcrest.
A few important notes:
Now that winter is officially here, it’s a good time to remind families about Two Hour Delays and Snow Days. You can find delay and cancellation information on...

04 Jan 2002
Hillcrest Elementary School
Friday News
January 4, 2019
Dear Hillcrest Families,
Happy New Year to all of you! While we all enjoyed school vacation week, we were very happy to welcome our students back to school this week! Getting back into our school day routines has been wonderful . . . your children have transitioned smoothly into their days of learning, playing and growing at Hillcrest.
A few important notes:
Now that winter is officially here, it’s a good time to remind families about Two Hour Delays and Snow Days. You can find delay and cancellation information on...

Spring forward! Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead Saturday night. This is also the time to check and/or change the batteries in your smoke detectors too.
Spring parent/teacher conferences will be Thursday, March 14 and Friday, March 15. These are both half days with noon dismissals.
Please contact your child’s teacher if you have not yet scheduled your spring conference. This is the time to hear progress on your child’s academics and social interactions.
Report cards will not be handed out at conferences. Report cards will be mailed on Monday, March 18.
Hold the date for...

Jan. 10, 2021
Dear GMRSD Families,
Update on Local COVID-19 Data
According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Town of Montague continues to be identified as a "higher-risk" municipality for the presence of COVID-19. The most recent update to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Weekly Public Heath Report, can be accessed at the following link:
This designates Montague as "red" on the color coding system that identifies cases of COVID-19 and the percentage...